JT Express Malaysia Sdn Bhd
JT Express Malaysia Sdn Bhd




Establishing first in Indonesia in 2015, J&T Express overcame the coast of Java delivering the impossible to people of Indonesia. This undying effort puts us as Indonesia’s top two favourite courier express company in the cost of Java reigning us as top two best courier express industry in the country. As of May 2018, the average quantity of shipments that J&T Express Indonesia received are of 950,000 units. With such an achievement, J&T Express is more than confident to expand its businesses to different countries i.e. Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Philippines in 2018. Having a vast experience delivering and picking up parcels largely the amount in Indonesia, we have decided to expand to our neighbouring country i.e. Malaysia. In just a span of eight months, J&T Express Malaysia turned impossibilities to possibilities. We expanded with the greatest confidence having full coverage across the entire Malaysia with 300 drop points nationwide and 17 gateways providing our customers with the best, safest and fastest express service that no other express company has ever accomplished before. We are confident that our capabilities in our services are able to change Malaysia as a whole networking the entire country as a transit hub. With 3000 workers nationwide, J&T Express Malaysia is confident that we are able to reach the top of Malaysia’s favourite express courier service company reigning the top three best express courier service in the country. Nonetheless, we will continue to expand and position ourselves to support and ensure the competitiveness of our company internationally, winning e-commerce markets and encouraging investments. We enhance and broaden our services. We strive to unlock our potential and bring ourselves forward in the industry. It is with great confidence J&T Express has chosen the right trade in Malaysia delivering a sustainable performance as we navigate closer towards fulfilling our ambition in becoming one of Southeast Asia’s transit hub.