Ubudu Asia

Ubudu provides high-accuracy geolocation systems to help companies improve productivity and enhance security of operations on worksites.
Ubudu provides high-accuracy geolocation systems to help companies improve their operations using the lean method.
"Ubudu is the company that enables McDonaldâs to save 20 seconds per table service by geo-locating customers at their table". We also ensure staff security in nuclear plants through detection within risky zones and provide wayfinding in the Louvre Museum to offer visitors multimedia content and the possibility to find their way.
Ubudu enables real-time tracking and traffic flow analysis. Our technology relies on tags carried by users / assets or via mobile apps, interacting with beacons installed in venues to provide valuable high-accuracy location data.
Execution: we get things done, we think solution not excuses.
Innovation: we solve problems by thinking outside the box.
Professionalism: we deliver things that work, large scale. We test and then implement.
Humility: Nobody knows everything. We listen and learn from doing.
Flexibility: Everyone is different and valuable for this. It is our job to adapt to client needs.
As a growing start-up we encourage initiative, team spirit and creativity within our working environment.