We live to drink. We live to party. We live for the night.
Drinksomewhere.com is a one-stop platform for people like us who are looking for somewhere to drink or party. Here you will discover the most popular parties in town, as well as reviews and pictures of cafes, bars and clubs in Singapore. Whatâs more exciting is that our live photo gallery gives you latest instagram photos from the most happening events.
We strive to be the most reliable and raved online platform in the party scene, and to expand into events management, digital coupon and merchandising.
To guide party people to the party place they are looking for. We exist to direct and cultivate the party scene in Singapore.
Our short term goal is to establish a solid foundation in Singapore. We believe that our modern city, a melting pot for people from diverse backgrounds, is the perfect location for our business to grow its identity.
We envision transforming Singapore into one of the top nightlife cities in the world, comparable with Tokyo, New York, London or Paris. We believe that our presence will help to boost our country as a global lifestyle and party destination.