


bout us At EduDrift, we match students with education providers. Every year, students around the world spend time outside their regular curriculum on additional courses to further their interests. The search for knowledge, experience, and opportunities help develop a well-rounded learning experience. Whether you’re a student or an education business, EduDrift is designed with you in mind. Discover and book educational courses at the best rates. Be it a summer/winter course, enrichment lesson, second language courses, or simply an alternative educational experience, EduDrift can help build your student transcript, enrich your learning experiences and accompany you on your journey for higher learning. Our Mission Empowering students globally to make informed decisions, book, and experience the best courses. Connecting educational providers with a global network of students and strengthen their outreach. Education, for EduDrift, is about knowledge, inquiry, and expanding your horizons. We intend to design that process to be fun, engaging, and transparent.