Apart from point-of-sale, booking and payment systems, minimal technology innovations have been adopted by the hospitality industry. Small Batch Learning will change this with our ambitious eLearning and management platform that is set to become ubiquitous across the industry.
Located in Singapore and Hong Kong, we are currently building and will launch by the end of 2016. Our current partnerships offer us a clear path to scale across the Asia Pacific region. We plan to achieve this over an 18 month period post launch and are currently adding to our team to ensure we can execute this.
Our current team of 5, and numerous contributors, is a collection of experts from the hospitality and tech industries. For those that join our team, you will enjoy the excitement that comes with a fast growing company, work harder then you ever had, learn more then you could imagine and do so at the heart of an industry that will afford you perks such as regular invites to exclusive hospitality events.
There are other eLearning platforms out there but none with the unique approach that we have. If you are dedicated and can execute consistently at a high standard, please contact us.