The Sparks Foundation
The Sparks Foundation




Our Vision Statement A world of enabled and connected little minds, building future. Our Mission Statement To inspire students, help them innovate and let them integrate to build the next generation humankind. Inspire: To inspire, motivate and encourage students to learn, create and help build a better society. Innovate: To teach new ways of thinking, to innovate and solve the problems on their own. Integrate: To let the students integrate, and help each other, learn from each other and do well together. What we do: Events: We organize events, allowing students to learn from the masters in their fields. Get inspired. Through stories and workshops, we show them feasibility of big dreams. Mentorship: We help students and enable them to move forward, get unstuck from any unfavorable situation. We keep an alternate channel open always to help them, when school and people around are not enough. Support: We connect them to available resources. We support students when there is none available. Scholorships: We provide financial assitance to meritorius and deserving students. Community: We build a community of sharing knowledge, helping each other and asking for help. Here is the LinkedIn URL: