YDMG Media is an online publishing group that builds inspiring media brands for digital millennials across Southeast Asia. YDMG Media has presence in Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Jakarta and Manila.
In addition to a handpicked assortment of local independent publishers, YDMG Media operates a portfolio of its owned media brands across several verticals including VulcanPost.com, DiscoverKL.com, DiscoverSG.com, Unzippedtv.com and Dollarsandsense.sg.
Through our network of media brands, our vision is to impact the daily choices of millions of millennials across Southeast Asia.
Find out more at: www.ydmg.media
Bold voices, authentic personalities and inspired writing sums up our ethos.
We believe that every writer and content creator brings a unique voice into YDMG Media and they must be bold in sharing that voice.
Walking through our offices throughout Southeast Asia reveals that we are not all cut from the same cloth.
This combination of interesting personalities with bold voices across different cultures makes for inspired writing that we believe spawns great brands.