




Help build the future of mobile payments.

At Yedpay, we’re passionate about helping people build new businesses and some of the most exciting ideas we’ve seen depend on mobile devices. We’ve helped to merchants to move from many device to one touch payments. We’re looking for engineers to help define Yedpay’s future role in mobile apps.

iOS and andriod at Yedpay

We want to offer our users an iOS and android SDK with elegant solutions to their hardest problems (such as synchronizing a customer’s payment information across multiple platforms) and first party apps that make it possible for them to manage their entire business from an device. Here’s a non-exhaustive list of the challenges we deal with today:

  • We worked very hard to make different retail payment integrate seamlessly with the Yedpay API. We are looking to build the next wave of tools and features on top of different payment that make it even more powerful and convenient.
  • We want to push the state of the art forward in motion design and interactivity in our own apps.
  • We like to find creative ways to make the experience of integrating Yedpay delightful for merchants and developers.

How we work

We want to build a work environment where people are happy, productive, and interact well.

Personal interaction in particular is something we emphasize a lot. We work hard to find people who make others want to be around them. We're quite transparent internally. This helps everyone make better local decisions and avoid split-brain behavior. (Plus, we hire curious people, so they generally want to know the details of what's going on.)