UNICON 2019 is the largest & craziest student entrepreneurship conference in Asia, built by students for students.
Each year, we bring to you a line-up arranged by world class leaders, founders and industry experts covering a wide spectrum of issues of the tech industry that we know you love.
Outstanding young entrepreneurs from across Asia are gathered, challenged and inspired through our exciting line-up. It is a chance for you to interact and network with the brightest minds from all over Asia. The upcoming UNICON 2019 will be held on Feb 23rd-24th 2019, and key highlights of the conference include: founders’ keynotes, masterclasses, panel discussions and *UNICON Arena.
Now, you can get $15 off! Use the Promo Code : unicon2019-startupjobsasia *
For more details and schedule, visit http://www.unicon2019.com/
*The promo code is not case sensitive